TOPPERS LAW COLLEGE, the stepping stone for students to enter into the high-quality academic experience has completed its 12 years of glorious existence on serving humanity. Welcome to Toppers Law College a place to excel and exceed a place that nurtures the little sapling of zest in you and quenches the thirst for knowledge. It is said that democracy and democratic institutions are nurtured through the rule of law and the rule of law promotes predictable, impartial, accessible, timely and effective legal systems and non-discriminatory independent judicial systems. The degree of rule of law in a society reflects the quality of its legal institutions which are directly dependent upon qualitative legal education. One of the concerns of good governance touches upon judicial independence. Further, for the growth and development of an effective judiciary, its members should have received a solid foundation in law during their stay in law schools. In any society, a lawyer is one of the main actors in the legal process. Hi acts like a conduit pipe in the legal process and thus facilitates several transitional legal and development trends in society. The role of a lawyer in a developing society is not that of a mere practising professional rather he is more than the champion of the fundamental rights of the individual. He is in the fullest sense a part of the society and should understand the society. To participate in its development and advancement. Since the law is an instrument through which society is preserved in its shape and character, it is viewed as a reflection of society. As a lawyer, one should be aware of the social-political context and implications for the development of society and thus play an important role in legal reforms.